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Office of Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining

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Who We Are

About Office of Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining (OLRCB)

The authority to conduct labor relations is specified in Subchapter XVII of the Comprehensive Merit Personnel Act (CMPA), DC Official Code § 1 617.01 et. seq. (2001 ed.) The rules that guide and determine the terms and conditions of employment for unionized employees are determined by the CMPA and other laws, the terms of the applicable collective bargaining agreement and certain provisions of the District Personnel Manual. Employees should confer with their certified bargaining representative (union) and/or the DC Department of Human Resources to determine the particular rules applicable to their employment with the District.

The Office of Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining (OLRCB) is a component of the Executive Office of the Mayor (EOM), Office of the City Administrator (OCA). The mission of the OLRCB is to effectively represent the District as the principal management advocate in the administration of a comprehensive labor management program.

OLRCB’s areas of responsibility include, but are not limited to:

  • Representing management in before the Public Employee Relations Board in representation matters, unit determinations, unfair labor practices, negotiability appeals, arbitration appeals and impasse proceedings;
  • Representing the Mayor and District departments, offices and agencies in collective bargaining over term working conditions and compensation agreements and bargaining over the impact and effects changes in conditions of employment;
  • Developing and presenting cases before third party neutrals in mediation and arbitration proceedings;
  • Representing the Mayor on joint labor management committees and work groups;
  • Advising the Mayor and District departments, offices and agencies concerning all aspects of labor relations;
  • Training labor liaisons, managers, supervisors and management officials concerning their rights and obligations under the CMPA and applicable labor law, policies and procedures; and
  • Developing, implementing and administering citywide labor initiatives.

Generally, OLRCB is not directly involved in the processing of internal agency grievances or disputes that are not presented before the Public Employee Relations Board (PERB) or a third-party neutral, such as a mediator or arbitrator. Agency and department officials are responsible for processing internal agency labor relations matters, with the advice and counsel of OLRCB.

General personnel matters and payroll matters are not within the purview of OLRCB. Inquiries concerning personnel rules, regulations, processes and procedures should be presented to the District of Columbia Department of Human Resources. Payroll concerns should be addressed first with agency officials and if directed by the agency, submitted to the Office of Pay and Retirement Services.

OLRCB also does not deal directly with employees concerning grievances, disputes, appeals or other matters affecting their terms and conditions of employment. Generally, employees should contact their supervisors, designated agency official(s) or their certified bargaining representative (union) concerning these matters. Demands for arbitration, submitted after the agency level grievance procedure is exhausted, are transferred to the OLRCB.

The OLRCB is composed of four major work units: (1) Negotiations and Contract Administration Unit, (2) Litigation Unit, (3) Training, Research and Citywide Initiatives Unit and (4) Administrative and Program Support Unit. To effectively carry out the mission of the Office, OLRCB personnel continuously interact with managers, supervisors, labor liaisons, union leaders and other stakeholders. The OLRCB believes that positive employee and labor relations are essential to creating a productive work environment. We endeavor to strike an appropriate balance between administering the labor relations program to enhance efficiency of government operations while recognizing and respecting employee rights.

OLRCB contact info:

Ask the Director

441 4th Street, NW, Suite 820 North
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: (202) 724-4953